
What is prohibited for somebody in a state of major ritual impurity:

  1. He is not allowed to remain in the mosque unless he is a wayfarer. The evidence for this is that Allāh -Exalted is He- said (the meaning of which translates to) “or in a state of janābah [major ritual impurity], except those passing through [a place of prayer], until you have washed [your whole body]” [Sūrat Al Nisā, Āyah 43]. Once he has made wuḍū, he may remain in the mosque because wuḍū` reduces the degree of impurity. [Al-Fiqh Al-Muyassar (Fiqh Made Easy): 40].
  2. He is prohibited from touching the Muṣḥaf. The evidence for this is that Allāh -Exalted is He- said (the meaning of which translates to) “None touch it except the purified” [Sūrat Al Wāqi‘ah, āyah 79] and the fact that the Prophet (May Allāh praise him and Peace be upon him) said, “Only a pure and clean person may touch the Muṣḥaf.” [Authenticated by Sheikh Al Albānī in Al Irwā`: 122].
  3. He is prohibited from reciting the Qurān until he performs ghusl (bathing). The evidence for this is the ḥadīth of ‘Alī in which he said, “The Messenger of Allāh (May Allāh praise him and Peace be upon him) said, “nothing prevents him from reciting the Qurān except janābah (major ritual impurity)”” [Authenticated by Al Ḥakim in Al Mustadrak 4/107].

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