Allāh prescribed wuḍū for Muslims to purify you of your sins and to complete his favour upon you. Reflect upon the begin of the Āyah of Wuḍū
wherein Allāh makes the noble call (the meaning of which translates as) “O you who believe” (Sūrat Al Māidah Āyah no. 6). Thus, Allāh – Free be He from all imperfections – addresses those who have īmān (faith) because they are the ones who listen to Allāh’s commands and benefit from them. This is why the Prophet (May Allāh praise him and Peace be upon him) said: (And only a believer maintains his wuḍū
(Ṣaḥīḥ (authentic) ḥadīth (narration) reported by Ibn Mājah)
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